Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Effective: Fall 2024
Certificate of Completion (noncredit) Program Map

This noncredit program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program and is intended for students who do not need credit for transfer, but who wish to obtain knowledge and skills needed for entry level positions in the workforce or obtain short-term vocational skills needed for immediate employment.

Noncredit Programs at Chabot College are an excellent low-cost way to earn a certificate since noncredit courses are tuition FREE. Courses focus on skill development and growth, preparing students for employment and future academic coursework. Plus, you can repeat a noncredit course as many times as you want!

I'm ready to get started.What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan www.chabotcollege.edu/counseling
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation www.chabotcollege.edu / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description

Chabot College offers several Certificate of Completions in Automotive Technology. The certificate is built around a core set of courses in specific automotive areas. The classes are designed to upgrade your skills and place you in the industry quickly. As you progress through your automotive program you will be able to obtain certificates in different automotive areas and start entering your new career in the automotive industry. You will also be prepared to take your industry certifications exams during your courses here at Chabot College from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and California State Licensing.

What can I do with this major?

As a graduate you will be highly sought after for entry level technicians for positions in both the Dealership and Aftermarket areas.  You will know how to diagnose, service, and repair an automobile with pride and confidence. There are several employment opportunities in both the Dealership and Aftermarket area, some of them are;

  • Service Technician

  • Automotive Engine Specialist 

  • Body Electrical  Technician

  • Engine Fuel Management Specialist  

  • Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technician

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Industrial Technology & Automotive

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

378 units

ATEC 250
Introduction to Automotive Technology1

90 units
Automotive industry fundamentals including careers, safety, fasteners, hand tool identification and usage, vehicle systems, electrical fundamentals, service information access and use, automotive chemical and fluid applications, hazardous waste handling, general shop equipment usage, and vehicle servicing. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Course Details:

ATEC 201
Automotive Engines

144 units
Automotive engine fundamentals including; configurations and designs, operation, diagnostic tests; disassembly, inspection, thread repair, broken bolt removal, precision measurement, assembly, timing chains and belts, valve adjustments, cooling systems, introduction to engine machining, proper use of shop related tools and equipment, and safety practices. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ATEC 250
  2. or
  3. Prerequisite: ATEC 50

Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals

144 units
Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals including: Ohm's Law, basic electrical circuits, components, battery, starting, charging, and basic wiring systems, electrical components and the use of basic wiring diagrams for trouble shooting systems, repair of wiring circuits and correct use of diagnostic equipment. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ATEC 250
  2. or
  3. Prerequisite: ATEC 50

Semester 2

396 units

Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems

117 units
Automotive body electronics, vehicle lighting, instrumentation, OEM audio, navigation, and communication systems, supplemental restraint systems, starter interlock systems, computer controlled charging systems. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ATEC 206A
  2. or
  3. Prerequisite: ATEC 6A

ATEC 208
Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery Systems

144 units
Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery including: Introduction to the principles of automotive fuel induction systems, including the inspection, diagnosis, and evaluation of fuel storage, fuel pumps, carburetion, intake and exhaust systems, engine operation principles, computerized engine controls, and fuel injection systems. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ATEC 206A
  2. or
  3. Prerequisite: ATEC 6A

ATEC 294
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

135 units
Study of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle architecture, operation, diagnosis, service and repair processes. This course prepares students for the electrification portion of ASE L3 certification exam. Students who have previously completed ATEC 90/91, ATEC 290/91, APAU 9750/9751 do not need to take this course.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ATEC 250
  2. Prerequisite: ATEC 50
  3. Prerequisite: ATEC 206A
  4. Prerequisite: ATEC 6A
  5. Strongly Recommended: ATEC 205
  6. Strongly Recommended: ATEC 5
  7. Strongly Recommended: ATEC 208
  8. Strongly Recommended: ATEC 8

Note: noncredit program classes are offered in hours, not units. The unit values above should be viewed as the number of hours each course requires. 

Total Units: 774 units