
Effective: Fall 2022
Associate in Science Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description
Mathematics and related subjects play important dual roles in our culture. On the one hand, mathematics is a study in its own right; on the other hand it is an indispensable tool for expressing and understanding ideas in the sciences, engineering, and an increasing number of other fields. Through mathematics, we model the world and abstract out the essential structure in each situation, allowing us to see similar patterns across different problems. The joy of discovering beautiful connections lies at the heart of mathematics.

What can I do with this major?
An associates degree in Mathematics is a stepping stone to bachelor’s and higher degree in Mathematics and other related fields. Mathematics majors engage in a wide range of research and career fields: -Actuary -Statistician / data scientist -Operations research analyst -Software engineer -Investment banking analyst -Research scientist -Cryptographer -Business consultant -Product development engineer -Forecast analyst -Quality assurance manager

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Environment

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

All students are strongly advised to consult with a Chabot STEM Counselor to develop an individualized Student Educational Plan (SEP) that is tailored to your specific degree and transfer goals. To schedule a STEM Counseling appointment, please visit,

Semester 1

15-13 units

Calculus I

5 units
This course is the first in the three-course calculus sequence intended for majors in math, engineering, and physical sciences. The course covers elements of analytic geometry, derivatives, limits and continuity, differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions, and the definite integral. Application to the sciences are also covered. Starting at Math 1 depends on Math placement. Complete Math Course Selection in ClassWeb and see STEM counselor for correct level Math course.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: MTH 20
  2. Prerequisite: MTH 22
  3. Prerequisite: MTH 21
  4. Prerequisite: MTH 31
  5. Prerequisite: MTH 31S
  6. Prerequisite: MTH 36
  7. Prerequisite: MTH 36S
  8. Prerequisite: MTH 37
  • Transfers to UC/CSU
  • Terms Offered: Spring, Fall, Summer

    English 1- Critical Reading and Composition

    4-2 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 2

    14-18 units

    MTH 2
    Calculus II

    5 units
    Continuation of differential and integral calculus, including transcendental, and inverse functions. Techniques of integration, numerical integration, parametric equations, polar coordinates, sequences, power series and Taylor series. Primarily for mathematics, physical science, and engineering majors.

    List A course

    3-5 units
    Choose one course from List A below.
    See the full list: (Click here)

    Major Specific General Ed Course

    3-5 units
    Choose one course from the list below.
    See the full list: (Click here)

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 3

    16 units

    MTH 3
    Multivariable Calculus

    5 units
    Vector valued functions, functions of several variables, partial differentiation, multiple integration, change of variables theorem, scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl, line integral, surface integral, Theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss, applications.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 2
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Spring, Fall, Summer

    List B Course

    3 units
    Choose one course from List B below.
    See the full list: (Click here)

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    2 units

    Semester 4

    15 units

    List B Course

    3 units
    Choose one course from List B not already taken.
    See the full list: (Click here)

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    List A

    Choose one course from the list below. 

    CSCI 14
    Introduction to Structured Programming In C++

    4 units
    Introduction to structured programming and problem solving using the C++ language. Problem solving techniques, algorithm design, testing and debugging techniques, and documentation standards. C++ syntax: elementary operators, data types, control structures, user-defined and library functions, basic input/output, sequential files, arrays and structs. Appropriate for students with little or no programming experience, but comfortable using computers with modern GUI operating systems.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    4. or
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    6. or
    7. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    8. or
    9. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    10. or
    11. Strongly Recommended: CSCI 7
    12. or
    13. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists

    3 units
    Choose one course

    ENGR 25
    Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists

    3 units
    Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, SimuLink, MuPad, and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. May not receive credit if Mathematics 25 or Physics 25 has been completed.
    Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

    MTH 25
    Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists

    3 units
    Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, SimuLink, MuPad, and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. May not receive credit if ENGR 25 or PHYS 25 has been completed.

    PHYS 25
    Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists

    3 units
    Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, SimuLink, MuPad, and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. May not receive credit if Engineering 25 or Math 25 has been completed.

    PHYS 4A
    General Physics I

    5 units
    Introduction to the principles of Newtonian mechanics using calculus as needed for STEM Majors. Physics 4A is the first course in the three- or four-semester sequence required for transfer in Engineering and Sciences. The course includes units, dimensional analysis, vectors, kinematics, velocity, acceleration, force, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, statics, and gravitation. May not receive credit if PHYS 7A has been completed successfully.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 1
    2. Prerequisite: MTH 2
    3. Strongly Recommended: PHYS 18
    Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

    List B

    Choose two courses from the list below. 

    MTH 4
    Elementary Differential Equations

    3 units
    Introduction to elementary differential equations, including first and second order equations, series solutions, Laplace transforms, and applications.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 2
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    MTH 6
    Elementary Linear Algebra

    3 units
    Introduction to linear algebra: matrices, determinants, systems of equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalue, eigenvectors, and applications.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 2
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Summer, Spring, Fall

    MTH 8
    Discrete Mathematics

    3 units
    Sets, relations and functions; logic, methods of proof, induction; combinatorics, discrete probability, recursion, and recurrence relations; graphs and trees; logic circuits; finite state machines. Designed for majors in mathematics and computer science.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 1
    2. Strongly Recommended: CSCI 14
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Fall, Spring


    Complete a minimum of 3 units from the list below:

    ANTH 1
    Biological/Physical Anthropology

    3 units
    Humans as a biological species through the examination of evolutionary biology and genetics, primate comparative anatomy and behavior, and fossil evidence. Emphasis on uniquely human biological and behavioral characteristics, as well as those shared with other animals. Current anthropological issues such as the biological meaning of race, genetic diseases, and the influence of evolution on human behavior.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1

    ARCH 2A
    Design and Visual Communication I

    3 units
    Introduction to freehand and mechanically constructed drawings employing orthographic, axonometric and linear perspective drawing systems to represent three-dimensional forms and environments on two-dimensional surfaces. Emphasis on the understanding of basic drawing conventions, their implications and applications.
    Course Details:

    ARCH 4A
    Architectural Drafting Principles I

    3 units
    Introduction to principles and practice of architectural drafting with emphasis on working drawings for wood frame construction; introduction to drafting concepts and conventions for architectural working drawings, basic building systems, and architectural applications of computer-aided drafting technology.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ARCH 3
    2. Prerequisite: ARCH 68
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: ID 49

    ASTR 10
    Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System

    3 units
    Introduction to history and physical principles of astronomy, focusing on our Solar System. Includes: constellations; distance scales; historical development of astronomy; gravitation; motion of the Earth, Moon, and Planets; astronomical tools; formation and evolution of the solar system; physical properties, atmosphere, and evolution of the Earth, Moon, and planets within the solar system; asteroids, comets, and other small bodies; discovery of extra-solar planets; possibilities for life beyond Earth. Designed for non-majors in mathematics or a physical science. A companion science lab, Astronomy 30, is also available.
    Course Details:

    ASTR 20
    Introduction to Astronomy: Stars and the Universe

    3 units
    Introduction to the study of stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Includes the nature of light and matter, telescopes, spectroscopy, stellar formation and evolution, galaxies, quasars, and cosmology. Designed for non-majors in mathematics or a physical science. A companion science lab, Astronomy 30, is also available.
    Course Details:

    BIOS 1
    Introduction to the Science of Biology

    4 units
    This course covers basic principles of biology using a thematic approach including: cell biology and genetics, impacts of climate change on ecosystems, energy use in plants and animals, and the cellular basis for various diseases and disorders. The lab portion allows students to conduct scientific investigations and get hands-on experiences with microscopy and other biological procedures. In addition, the lab delves into bioethical issues and connects lecture topics to real world scenarios. This course is intended to fulfill the natural sciences general education requirement for students majoring outside of the biological or health sciences. May not receive credit if BIOL 10 has been completed successfully.
    Course Details:

    BIOS 15
    Anatomy and Physiology

    4 units
    Structure and function of the human body is studied. Emphasis on human anatomy and physiological principles at the cellular and systemic level. Designed primarily for majors in paramedic and medical assisting programs and pre-medical students who wish to explore the realm of anatomy and physiology. May not receive credit if BIOL 50 has been completed successfully.
    Course Details:

    BIOS 21A
    Principles of Plant Biology and Ecology

    4 units
    Principles of the diversity, structure and function of autotrophs including plants, protists, and bacteria. Emphasis on cell reproduction, alternation of generations, plant morphology and anatomy, homeostasis, development, phylogeny, taxonomy, and systematics. Principles of ecology including conservation biology. This course is intended for students majoring in biological sciences OR for students who will apply to professional schools, including schools of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. May not receive credit if BIOL 6 has been completed successfully.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    2. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1

    BIOS 41
    Fundamentals of Biology for Health Sciences

    4 units
    A course that explores basic principles of biology. Emphasis is placed on cell structure and function, cell division, cell metabolism, reproduction, genetics, taxonomy, the origin of life, evolution, animal tissues and development. The laboratory emphasizes the development of important laboratory skills, such as using the metric system, collecting data, graphing, interpreting data, preparing for and taking laboratory exams. Designed to prepare the necessary concepts and laboratory skills and experience that are needed to succeed in more advanced courses in biology. This course is intended for students who will study in health sciences fields including students intending to apply to schools of nursing , dental hygiene, and medical technologies. May not receive credit if BIOL 31 has been completed successfully.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: MTH 53
    2. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1

    BUS 19
    Business Statistics

    4 units
    Introduction to concepts, methods and models employed in reasoning with numbers and in presenting cogent statistical arguments or solutions in the business field. Key topics include estimating confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, development of projections for inferential purposes in the business field, probability distributions (poisson, binomial, normal, student-t, chi-sq, F-distribution), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), estimating simple and multiple regressions.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    4. or
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    6. or
    7. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    8. or
    9. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    10. or
    11. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    12. or
    13. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    14. or
  • Transfers to CSU
  • CHEM 1A
    General College Chemistry I

    5 units
    Introduction to atomic structure, bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gases, matter and energy, oxidation-reduction, chemical equations, liquids and solids, solutions, chemical energetics and equilibrium. Laboratory includes both quantitative and qualitative experiments.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    4. Prerequisite: CHEM 31
    5. or

    CHEM 10
    Introduction to Chemistry

    4 units
    A non-mathematical survey of the basic concepts of chemistry that stresses a humanistic approach. Designed for non-science majors. Topics include basic structure, properties and reactivity of matter and energy as they relate to environmental issues, nutrition, medicine, material science and other current topics.
    Course Details:

    CHEM 30A
    Introductory and Applied Chemistry I

    4 units
    Chemistry of inorganic compounds, atomic theory, bonding, equations, gas laws, solutions, acid-base theory and oxidation-reduction. Designed to meet the requirements of certain programs in allied health and technological fields and for general education.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 65
    2. Prerequisite: MTH 65B
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: MTH 65L
    5. or
    6. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    7. or
    8. Prerequisite: MTH 53B

    CHEM 31
    Introduction to College Chemistry

    4 units
    Elementary concepts of chemistry with emphasis on mathematical calculations; includes nomenclature, stoichiometry, atomic structure, gas laws, and acids and bases. Designed for majors in science and engineering.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 55B

    CSCI 8
    Computer Literacy

    3 units
    Introduction to computers including: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Multimedia, the internet, browsers, World Wide Web, an awareness of types of computer software in use including programming languages, electronic mail, computer-based careers and trends, and other computing issues in today’s society. No prior computer experience necessary. Course recommended for students of any major who want to learn about computers and how to use them. Hands-on laboratory experience reinforces lecture.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: MTH 55
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: MTH 55A
    4. or
    5. Strongly Recommended: MTH 53
    6. or
    7. Strongly Recommended: MTH 53A
    8. or

    CSCI 10
    Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC.NET

    4 units
    Introduction to computer programming using Microsoft’s programming language Visual BASIC.NET for Windows. The course includes programming algorithm development, Visual Studio.NET’s IDE, the language’s basic syntax and grammar, object event procedures, input/output, looping techniques, decision logic, variable data types, functions and subroutines and text file and database manipulation. Intended for a general audience with little or no prior formal programming experience.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: CSCI 7
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: CSCI 8
    4. or

    CSCI 14
    Introduction to Structured Programming In C++

    4 units
    Introduction to structured programming and problem solving using the C++ language. Problem solving techniques, algorithm design, testing and debugging techniques, and documentation standards. C++ syntax: elementary operators, data types, control structures, user-defined and library functions, basic input/output, sequential files, arrays and structs. Appropriate for students with little or no programming experience, but comfortable using computers with modern GUI operating systems.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    4. or
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    6. or
    7. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    8. or
    9. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    10. or
    11. Strongly Recommended: CSCI 7
    12. or
    13. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A

    ECN 1
    Principles of Microeconomics

    3 units
    Economic analysis of market systems, price theory, including supply and demand analysis, marginal utility, elasticity, cost and revenue concepts, perfect and imperfect competition, international trade theory, pricing of the factors of production, poverty and income inequalities.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    2. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    4. Prerequisite: MTH 65
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 65B
    6. or
  • Transfers to CSU
  • ECN 2
    Principles of Macroeconomics

    3 units
    Economic analysis of the theory of income determination, including national income analysis, business cycles, the consumption function, the multiplier, fiscal policy, monetary policy, money and banking, the public debt, economic growth and development, comparative economic systems and international trade.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    2. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    5. or
    6. Prerequisite: MTH 65
    7. or
    8. Prerequisite: MTH 65B
    9. or
  • Transfers to CSU
  • ECN 10
    General Economics

    3 units
    Survey of the economic system of the United States, covering such macroeconomic and microeconomic topics as supply and demand, firms’ output and pricing decisions, international trade, comparative economic systems, economic growth, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy, labor, and money and banking.
    Course Details:

    ENGL 7A
    Critical Thinking and Writing across Disciplines

    4 units
    Develops critical thinking, reading, and writing skills as they apply to the analysis of primary and secondary non-fiction books, articles, and essays from a range of academic and cultural contexts. Primary texts will showcase diverse writers, including marginalized voices. Theme based units will emphasize the techniques and principles of effective written argument in research-based writing across disciplines.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 1
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • ENSC 10
    Humans and the Environment

    3 units
    Identification of problems created by humans’ modification of their environment by focusing on ecological interactions involving the human species; investigating the life processes of organisms as they relate to specific environments. Environmental Science 10, 11, and 12 may be combined for a maximum of 4 units.
    Course Details:

    ENSC 11
    Humans and the Environment with Laboratory

    4 units
    Identification of problems created by humans’ modification of their environment by focusing on ecological interactions involving the human species; investigating the life processes of organisms as they relate to specific environments. Environmental Science 10, 11, and 12 may be combined for a maximum of 4 units. (Formerly Ecology 11)

    GEO 1
    Introduction to Physical Geography

    3 units
    Earth's natural environments, with emphasis on spatial characteristics, change over time, interactions between environmental components, and human-environment interactions. Physical processes, techniques, and tools by which Earth's climates, soils, vegetation, water resources, and land forms are linked into integrated global patterns. Effect of natural environments on human activities and how humans modify environments. Field trips may be included.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • GEO 8
    Introduction to Weather and Climate

    3 units
    Introduction to weather and climate and their impact on and modification by human activities. Emphasis on weather elements, events, and processes; climate controls; and the techniques, tools, and instruments of atmospheric science. Includes atmospheric optics, weather prediction, severe storms, air pollution, global/regional warming/cooling, ozone depletion, acid rain, El Niño, deforestation, desertification, and other topics related to everyday experience and global climate change. Field trips and observational activities may be included.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • GEO 20
    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    3 units
    Computer-based information technology tools and techniques that analyze spatial relationships between locations and attributes of physical, cultural, and economic features. Visualization of geographic relationships to support decision-making through interactive linkages of maps, databases, images, and charts. Introduction to GIS theory, principles, concepts, applications, and operations. Field trips may be required.
    Course Details:
    1. Transfers to CSU
    2. MTH 33
      Finite Mathematics

      4 units
      Straight lines, systems of linear equations, matrices, systems of linear inequalities, linear programming, mathematics of finance, sets and Venn diagrams, combinatorial techniques and an introduction to probability. Applications in business, economics and the social sciences.

      MTH 43
      Introduction to Probability and Statistics

      4 units
      Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion; elements of probability; tests of statistical hypotheses (one and two populations); correlation and regression; ANOVA; applications in various fields. Introduction to the use of computer software package to complete both descriptive and inferential statistics problems. May not receive credit if Mathematics 35 has been completed.

      PHYS 3A
      College Physics A

      4 units
      Introduction to the major principles of classical mechanics using calculus for students studying life sciences and architecture. Includes: the scientific method and social responsibility of the scientist, Newtonian mechanics, energy, gravitation, fluids, thermodynamics, and vibration waves.
      Course Details:
      1. Prerequisite: MTH 1
      2. Prerequisite: MTH 22
      3. Prerequisite: MTH 15
    3. Transfers to CSU
    4. PHYS 4A
      General Physics I

      5 units
      Introduction to the principles of Newtonian mechanics using calculus as needed for STEM Majors. Physics 4A is the first course in the three- or four-semester sequence required for transfer in Engineering and Sciences. The course includes units, dimensional analysis, vectors, kinematics, velocity, acceleration, force, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, statics, and gravitation. May not receive credit if PHYS 7A has been completed successfully.
      Course Details:
      1. Prerequisite: MTH 1
      2. Prerequisite: MTH 2
      3. Strongly Recommended: PHYS 18

      PHYS 5
      Modern Physics

      3 units
      Modern Physics is the fourth course in the STEM-major sequence of Physics. It includes special and general relativity, modern physics experiments, the wave and particle duality of light and matter, photons, quantum mechanics, atoms, solids, nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology. May not receive credit if PHYS 7D has been completed successfully.
      Course Details:
      1. Prerequisite: PHYS 4B
      2. Prerequisite: MTH 3
      3. and
      4. Prerequisite: MTH 4
      5. Prerequisite: MTH 6

      PHYS 11
      Descriptive Physics

      4 units
      Motion, gravitation, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, atoms, and nuclei. Present day scientific problems and developments such as alternative energy sources, solar energy, nuclear power, lasers, relativity and black holes. Designed for non-majors in physical science. Includes an introduction to laboratory, principles and techniques with emphasis on the basic concepts discussed in the class. May not receive credit if Physics 10 or Physics 10L has been completed.
      Course Details:
      1. Strongly Recommended: MTH 104

      PSY 5
      Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

      4 units
      Statistics as applied to the behavioral and social sciences. Applications using data from disciplines including psychology, social sciences, business, life science, health science, and education. The use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include: descriptive and inferential statistics; probability and sampling distributions; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings.
      Course Details:
      1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
      2. Prerequisite: MTH 53
      3. or
      4. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
      5. or
      6. Prerequisite: MTH 54
      7. or
      8. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
      9. or
      10. Prerequisite: MTH 55
      11. or
      12. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
      13. or
      14. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    5. Transfers to CSU
    6. Total Units: 60-62 units