Film, Television and Electronic Media

Effective: Fall 2022
Associate in Science for Transfer Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description

The AS-T in Film, TV & Electronic Media provides training emphasizing professional practice, and tactile experience in the creation of film productions, live television & radio programming. Students create audio and video content designed for various distribution channels. The degree also offers courses in theoretical, practical, artistic, and historical aspects of the film, television, radio, and digital media industries.

What can I do with this major?

The purpose of the Film, Television and Electronic Media AST is to prepare students to enter the workforce as an entry-level digital storyteller or transfer to a Bachelor of Arts program in Film, Television, and Electronic Media. The coursework will prepare students to enter the workforce prepared to do entry-level digital storytelling work using skills obtained from the foundational courses in this program. These same foundational courses will also prepare students interested in furthering their education to transfer to a Bachelor in Film, Television, and Electronic Media.

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Arts and Design

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

15 units

Introduction to Cinematic Arts

3 units
Introduces the analysis of film and animation aesthetics. Examines form and content, aesthetics and meaning, and history and culture of film and animation. Explores the diverse possibilities presented by the cinematic art form through an examination of a wide variety of productions, cinemas, and film movements. Topics include modes of production, narrative and non-narrative forms, visual design, editing, sound, genre, ideology and critical analysis.
Course Details:
  1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Intro to Broadcasting or Intro to Mass Communications (Choose one)

    3 units

    MCOM 40
    Introduction to Broadcasting

    3 units
    Introduces the history, theory, structure, function, economics, content and evolution of radio, television, film, the Internet, new media and their impact on culture and society. Includes, technological development, programming, ratings, legal aspects, and political and social control of broadcasting in America, and cross-cultural, international comparisons. Regulatory, ethical and occupational impact of the electronic media are also studied.
    Course Details:

    MCOM 41
    Introduction to Mass Communications

    3 units
    Survey of the interrelationships of media with society including history, structure and trends in a digital age. Discussion of theories and effects, economics, technology, law and ethics, global media, media literacy, and social issues, including gender and cultural diversity.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • English 1- Critical Reading and Composition

    4 units

    Math Course for General Education: see a counselor to choose the appropriate course.

    3 units
    MTH 47 recommended

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    2 units

    Semester 2

    15-16 units

    MCOM 50
    Radio Studio Techniques1

    3 units
    Introductory course in theory and application of audio production techniques for radio. Students will gain a basic understanding of audio equipment in both live and pre-recorded broadcasting. This includes recording equipment, mixers, digital audio production, radio program formats, broadcast writing and announcing skills.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • List A Area 2: Video or Film Production course

    3 units
    See options below for List A Area 2
    See the full list: (Click here)

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3-4 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 3

    15 units

    List B Course

    3 units
    See List B course options below and choose one course not already taken

    Required Core Course Option (FILM 12 or MCOM 42) Choose one

    3 units
    Choose one course from the following:

    FILM 12
    Screenwriting and Visual Storytelling

    3 units
    A course where students write for film and electronic media. Emphasis on preparing scripts in proper formats, including fundamental technical, conceptual and stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction scripts for informational and entertainment purposes in film and electronic media.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 14
  • Transfers to CSU
  • or

    MCOM 42
    Writing for Broadcasting

    3 units
    Techniques of writing for radio, television, film and electronic media; script writing in proper formats, including fundamental technical, conceptual and stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction scripts for informational and entertainment purposes. Includes a writing evaluation component as a significant part of the course requirement.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1
  • Transfers to CSU
  • General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 4

    15 units

    List C course option

    3 units
    Take one course below not already used to satisfy Required Core or List A requirements.
    See the full list: (Click here)
    Terms Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    List A

    List A: Select one course from each area (6 units)

    Area 1: Audio (3 units)

    3 units

    MCOM 50
    Radio Studio Techniques

    3 units
    Introductory course in theory and application of audio production techniques for radio. Students will gain a basic understanding of audio equipment in both live and pre-recorded broadcasting. This includes recording equipment, mixers, digital audio production, radio program formats, broadcast writing and announcing skills.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Area 2: Video or Film Production (3 units)

    FILM 15
    Introduction to Digital Filmmaking

    3 units
    Introduction to digital filmmaking as an artistic medium through lectures, screenings, demonstrations, and hands-on practicum. Critical analysis and appreciation of production elements and development of skills in pre-production planning, digital cinematography, direction of actors, sound design, art direction, and post-production.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 14

    FILM 17
    Motion Picture Filmmaking

    3 units
    Want to be a film director and make your first short film? Then this is the course for you. This course provides an introduction to the theory, terminology, and process of motion picture production for film and television. Students will take their script, create pre-production documents, cast your film, direct actors, light, shoot and record audio for your first short film. Finally students will review dailies and prepare their film for post production.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 15
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: FILM 14
    4. Strongly Recommended: FILM 12
  • Transfers to CSU
  • FILM 16
    Documentary Filmmaking

    3 units
    Introduction to documentary filmmaking and current techniques of digital documentary including, sound, video and mixed media documentary. Story basics, research, structure, objective/subjective approach, audio recording, shooting setups, interviewing, and rough-cut editing.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 15
  • Transfers to CSU
  • List B

    List B: Select one course from below which is not already used to satisfy Required Core or List A requirements

    FILM 15
    Introduction to Digital Filmmaking

    3 units
    Introduction to digital filmmaking as an artistic medium through lectures, screenings, demonstrations, and hands-on practicum. Critical analysis and appreciation of production elements and development of skills in pre-production planning, digital cinematography, direction of actors, sound design, art direction, and post-production.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 14

    FILM 16
    Documentary Filmmaking

    3 units
    Introduction to documentary filmmaking and current techniques of digital documentary including, sound, video and mixed media documentary. Story basics, research, structure, objective/subjective approach, audio recording, shooting setups, interviewing, and rough-cut editing.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: FILM 15
  • Transfers to CSU
  • List C

    List C: Select one course which is not already used to satisfy List A or List B requirements or one course from the list below (3 units)

    DIGM 12A
    Motion Graphics

    3 units
    Motion Graphics is an introductory course to motion graphics for students who have a strong foundation in typography and design. This course introduces the theories, techniques, and practices of motion graphics. Students use design elements and principles to create motion graphics that communicate a message or story. Vector graphics, photography, sound, video and animation are integrated together to design compelling motion graphics.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 11
    2. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 4A

    DIGM 10A
    Introduction to Animation

    3 units
    The history and evolution of technical aspects of animation are examined. Students explore animation principles using analog media, including, phonotropes, stop motion animation, claymation and flip books. Digital aspects of animation are also explored to create short mini animated sequences.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 11

    DIGM 11
    Video Editing

    3 units
    Introduction to the art of digital video editing using industry standard software. Students explore the theory and practice of various editing styles in order to gain a better understanding of how stories are constructed in the editing room. Through demonstrations and hands-on experience, students learn advanced editing techniques with an in-depth examination of the art of the edit. Strong emphasis is placed on post-production techniques that improve the sound and image quality of the videos.
    Course Details:

    ARTH 3
    Film History and Appreciation

    3 units
    An overview of cinema from invention to today, through screenings of narrative, documentary, and experimental films (and film excerpts) from many countries of origin. Provides the critical, technical and aesthetic vocabulary that serve as the basic tools for analyzing this art form. Emphasizes the ways in which historical, cultural, and aesthetic contexts influence film, and how content, form, and contexts work together to create meaning in film. Celebrates film as a form of participatory culture. Course hours per week: 3. Hours credit: 3.

    HUMN 68
    World Mythology

    3 units
    Introduction to mythic themes recurring in global literature, Key theories and a variety of myths from around the world will be read, analyzed, and discussed.  Course will focus on broad themes and theories, which will include at least five of the following: classic approaches to mythology, including cosmogonic origins, historical events, and natural explanation; archetypes, both character and plot; ritual; religion; forms of narrative, folklore, chronology, cosmogony; sacred space; symbol and language; and cultural appropriation. (Formerly HUMN 28)
    Course Details:

    THTR 1
    Introduction to Acting

    3 units
    Introduction to the techniques and theories of acting, explored through improvisation, exercises and scene study. Development of the physical and psychological resources for acting including relaxation, concentration, creativity, believability, and commitment. Development of critical thinking skills associated with viewing and analyzing performances of others. Lab hours are required for rehearsal of scenes and attendance of on campus theater productions. (Formerly THEA 1A)
    Course Details:

    DIGM 6A

    3 units
    Introduction to the use of Adobe Photoshop for retouching, editing, and compositing digital images. Students take their original photography and artistically adjust contrast, exposure, color balance, to create enhanced compositions. Students also take a number of images and composite images into an artistically balanced and well-designed composition.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: PHOT 1A
    Total Units: 60-61 units