Software Specialist

Effective: Fall 2020
Associate in Science Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description

This program focuses on the use of Computer Software Applications in a variety of fields from business applications to digital media and artistic applications. Additionally, the Associate Degree will give students a well-rounded foundation, making them a valuable asset to organizations seeking soft skills and additional knowledge, or provide valuable G.E. coursework for transfer.

What can I do with this major?
By the end of the program, you can be a Business Information Worker, Computer Operator, Data Entry, Digital Specialist, Technical Analyst, Web Designer, Illustrator, Digital Editor.

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Business, Economics & Information Technology

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

14 units

CAS 50
Introduction to Computer Application Systems

3 units
Introduction to computer applications systems as it relates to business and home use. Course introduces software topics in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, internet, World Wide Web, electronic mail, file management, data communications and an introduction to basic computer programming. Hardware topics include PC system components and troubleshooting issues. Other topics include computer-based careers and trends, electronic computing issues, terminology, electronic communication skills, ethics, security, and netiquette in today’s business computing environment.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

Major Electives #1

3 units
Select 3 units from the Major Electives list below:
See the full list: (Click here)

Math Course for General Education: see a counselor to choose the appropriate course.

4 units

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

1 unit
PE course recommended

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

3 units

Semester 2

16 units

CAS 88
Microsoft Word

3 units
This course covers Microsoft Word in depth, teaching word processing creation, editing, and advanced features adding functionality to electronic documents. This course will prepare a student to sit for the Microsoft MOS Certification Exam.
Course Details:

    Major Electives #2

    3 units
    Select 3 units from the Major Electives list below:
    See the full list: (Click here)

    English 1 - Critical Reading and Composition

    4 units

    General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 3

    15 units

    CAS 54
    Microsoft Excel

    3 units
    This course covers an in depth look at Microsoft Excel, a widely used spreadsheet application program that allows users to complete advanced mathematical formulas and functions, display information through graphs and charts with the use a microcomputer. Students will be prepared to take the Microsoft Certification Exams.
    Course Details:

      Major Electives #3

      3 units
      Select 3 units from the Major Electives list below:
      See the full list: (Click here)

      General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

      3 units

      General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

      3 units

      Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

      3 units

      Semester 4

      15 units

      CAS 58
      Microsoft Access

      3 units
      This course covers Microsoft Access, which is a DBMS (also known as Database Management System) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Topics such as tables, queries, forms, reports and advanced functions will be covered. This course will prepare students to take the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam for Access.
      Course Details:

        General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

        3 units

        General Education Course - see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

        3 units

        Elective - see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

        3 units

        Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

        3 units

        Major Requirements

        Select 9 units from the following list:

        ARCH 3
        Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication

        3 units
        Introduction to digital tools with computer-aided design drafting. Ability to effectively use basic design principles in two dimensions. Topics include command basics including drawing entity creation and modification, industry layering standards, text and dimensioning systems appropriate to architecture, creating symbol libraries, external reference techniques, model and paper space commands, and plotting techniques.
        Course Details:

        BUS 92
        Excel Spreadsheets for Accounting

        2 units
        Fundamentals of using electronic spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) for accounting principles. Focus on solving accounting problems and completing accounting projects with Microsoft Excel.
        Course Details:
        1. Prerequisite: BUS 1A
        2. or
        3. Prerequisite: BUS 7
        4. Strongly Recommended: CAS 54

        BUS 93

        2 units
        QuickBooks introduces the concepts of bookkeeping/accounting using the theory of double-entry bookkeeping. Learn to use the QuickBooks software for a set up, service business and merchandising business. Setting up chart of accounts, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, payroll and preparation and analysis of financial statements.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: BUS 1A
        2. Strongly Recommended: BUS 7

        BUS 94
        MS Project Fundamentals

        1 unit
        This hands-on course provides an overview of MS Project and its functionality. Conducted in a PC Lab environment, students will get an opportunity to work with the tool while receiving support from an experienced and knowledgeable instructor/coach. Students will have an opportunity to develop a project schedule from scratch, get comfortable with entering information into MS Project, then using the base schedule to understand and manage resource allocations, task assignments, and the project labor budget. MS Project also offers a depth of reporting functionality, and students will learn how to create and modify reports for their project communication needs.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: BUS 88

        DIGM 4A
        Digital Illustration

        3 units
        Introduction to the principles of illustration using digital tools. Through lectures, demos and assignments students are exposed to and practice digital illustration skills for design, editorial, and animation. Emphasis is placed on the use of vector-based tools for artistic drawing and graphic design. Students explore the relationship of digital illustration with the field of Graphic Design, Animation and Fine Art.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: ART 2A

        DIGM 5

        3 units
        Typography explores the art, process, and technical approach to ideating and producing successful typography for visual communication and design. Students use vector based tools to create, modify, place and design compositions using typography as the main design element. Topics include the anatomy, classification, legibility, meaning, readability, history, and historical changes of typography.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 2

        DIGM 6A
        Photo Compositing

        3 units
        Introduction to the use of industry standard software for retouching, editing, and compositing digital images. Students take their original photography and artistically adjust contrast, exposure, color balance, to create enhanced compositions. Students also take a number of images and composite these individual image into an artistically balanced and well designed composition.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: PHOT 50

        DIGM 7
        Design and Layout

        3 units
        Design and Layout focuses on digital and print layouts using design elements and principles. Students create layouts using Gestalt principles, creative concepts, color separation and typography. The course explores the history of layout in various media, digital vs print process, copyright issues, and working with various printers for final project output.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 2

        DIGM 11
        Video Editing

        3 units
        Introduction to the art of digital video editing using industry standard software. Students explore the theory and practice of various editing styles in order to gain a better understanding of how stories are constructed in the editing room. Through demonstrations and hands-on experience, students learn advanced editing techniques with an in-depth examination of the art of the edit. Strong emphasis is placed on post-production techniques that improve the sound and image quality of the videos.
        Course Details:

        DIGM 12A
        Motion Graphics

        3 units
        Motion Graphics is an introductory course to motion graphics for students who have a strong foundation in typography and design. This course introduces the theories, techniques, and practices of motion graphics. Students use design elements and principles to create motion graphics that communicate a message or story. Vector graphics, photography, sound, video and animation are integrated together to design compelling motion graphics.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 11
        2. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 4A

        DIGM 15
        Web Design Fundamentals

        3 units
        Introduction to the basic design elements required to create a visually compelling website or user experience. Emphasis on design and layout, vector based graphics, and style consistency. Students learn to create a style guide to ensure continuity of design throughout the build process.
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 2

        DIGM 16
        HTML and CSS for Designers

        3 units
        Students use various software technologies to create media-rich websites. Websites are built using HTML and CSS. Students use multimedia software programs to include vector graphics, photographs, fonts, and video and motion graphics. Website design aesthetics and usability are emphasized as a core component of building websites.
        Course Details:
        1. Prerequisite: DIGM 15
        2. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 6A
        3. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 4A

        DIGM 17
        JavaScript for Designers

        3 units
        Introduction to JavaScript, a scripting language used to add interactivity to web pages. Covers the aspects of JavaScript most useful to web designers: basic object-oriented programming techniques; using the Document Object Model to control page elements such as windows, links, forms, and images; working with free JavaScript libraries such as jQuery. (May not receive credit if DIGM 34 has been completed)
        Course Details:
        1. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 15
        2. or
        3. Strongly Recommended: DIGM 15

        DIGM 31B
        Photoshop II

        1.5 units
        Continuation of the content and skills introduced in Digital Media 31A (Photoshop I). Topics include filters, advanced layer effects, preparing images for commercial printing, and preparing images for use on web pages.
        Course Details:
        1. Prerequisite: DIGM 6A

        ID 49
        Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication

        3 units
        Introduction to digital tools with computer-aided design drafting. Ability to effectively use basic design principles in two dimensions. Topics include command basics including drawing entity creation and modification, industry layering standards, text and dimensioning systems appropriate to architecture, creating symbol libraries, external reference techniques, model and paper space commands, and plotting techniques.
        Course Details:
        Total Units: 60 units