
Effective: Spring 2021
Associate in Arts for Transfer Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan www.chabotcollege.edu/counseling
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation www.chabotcollege.edu / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description

The study of English is the study of language, storytelling, culture, history, ideas, and creative expression. English majors are curious, thoughtful, articulate, and empathetic. In the English program you will develop your strength as a close reader and your craft as a writer. You will hone your ability to ask critical questions and conduct high-level analysis, skills useful in any of your future endeavors; a degree in English prepares you for transfer and many different kinds of academic, professional, and creative work.

What can I do with this major?

Question: What are you going to do with a college degree in English?

Answer: Anything! Everything!

A degree in English can take you many places and into many careers. It can prepare you for transfer and graduate study in many academic fields. The study of English and writing is extremely valuable because it develops skills that are useful beyond any one job or area. High-level critical thinking, detail-oriented close reading, clear and effective communication, and sensitivity to human experience are always in demand.

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Communication, Language & Media

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

15 units

English 1- Critical Reading and Composition

4 units

List B Course #1

3 units
Select one course from List B below.
See the full list: (Click here)

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

3 units

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

3 units

Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

2 units

Semester 2

14-15 units

Critical Thinking and Writing about Literature

4 units
Develops skills in close reading, critical thinking, analytical and argumentative writing, research, and information literacy through the study of works from major literary genres. Works will include poetry, fiction (short stories and novel), and drama, but may also include alternative genres such as creative nonfiction, graphic novels, spoken word, flash fiction, and lyrics. Primary texts will showcase diverse writers, including marginalized voices.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ENGL C1000
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Math Course for General Education: see a counselor to choose the appropriate course.

    3-4 units
    Math 47 recommended

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    4 units

    Semester 3

    16 units

    List C Course

    3 units
    Select one course from List C below
    See the full list: (Click here)

    ENGL 35
    Modern and Contemporary U.S. Literature1

    3 units
    U.S. literature from the second half of the 19th Century to the present, including poetry, drama, prose fiction, and essays. This class explores each work in relation to its social, cultural and historical contexts, and emphasizes the analysis of defining moments of the times as they are reflected in literature. The content of course closely examines distinctive literary movements and chronology of American literature since the mid-19th century: including Realism, Modernism, Harlem Renaissance, and Contemporary Literature, reflecting the diversity of American voices. Counts as a List A course
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 1
    2. Prerequisite: ENGL 102
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: ENGL 101B
    5. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1
    6. or
    7. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Fall

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    1 unit

    Semester 4

    15 units

    ENGL 41
    World Literature (17th Century to the Present)1

    3 units
    Comparative study of selected works of literature, in English and in translation, from around the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and other areas, from the mid seventeenth century to the present. Counts as a List A course
    Terms Offered: Spring

    List B Course #2

    3 units
    Select one course from List B below not already taken.
    See the full list: (Click here)

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any credit course).

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    List A

    ENGL 35
    Modern and Contemporary U.S. Literature

    3 units
    U.S. literature from the second half of the 19th Century to the present, including poetry, drama, prose fiction, and essays. This class explores each work in relation to its social, cultural and historical contexts, and emphasizes the analysis of defining moments of the times as they are reflected in literature. The content of course closely examines distinctive literary movements and chronology of American literature since the mid-19th century: including Realism, Modernism, Harlem Renaissance, and Contemporary Literature, reflecting the diversity of American voices.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 1
    2. Prerequisite: ENGL 102
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: ENGL 101B
    5. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1
    6. or
    7. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • ENGL 41
    World Literature (17th Century to the Present)

    3 units
    Comparative study of selected works of literature, in English and in translation, from around the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and other areas, from the mid seventeenth century to the present.

    List B

    Select two courses (6 units) from List B below. 

    ENGL 11A
    Introduction to Creative Writing

    3 units
    English 11A is an introductory creative writing course, offering practice in the elements of creative writing, including narrative, verse, and dialogue. Students will read, write, and respond to poetry, fiction, and dram. Class assignments will use materials drawn from individual's own work and selected texts.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 102
    2. or
    3. Eligibility for: ENGL 1
    4. Advisory: ENGL 1
    5. or
    6. Advisory: ENGL 1A

    ENGL 20
    Studies in Shakespeare

    3 units
    Readings of the sonnets and representative comedies, histories, tragedies, and romances of William Shakespeare, with attention to the early, middle and late phases of his art and to the Age of Elizabeth.

    ENGL 21
    The Evolution of the Black Writer

    3 units
    Introduction to American black writers in fiction, poetry, drama and the essay, beginning with the African experience as it relates to storytelling, to "Slave Narratives" and continuing to the present. Emphasis on the 20th and 21st century writers' growth and development in relation to their historical and cultural context.

    ENGL 22
    Mexican American/Latino Literature of the U.S.

    3 units
    Introduction to literary works in fiction, poetry, drama and the essay which are concerned with the Mexican American/Latino cultural experience. Analysis of literature in the context of the historical growth of Mexican American/Latino identity in the United States in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

    ENGL 25
    Asian-American Literature

    3 units
    Introduction to literary works of fiction, poetry, drama and the essay that reflect and explore the diversity of the Asian-American experience. Analysis of literature in the context of the historical growth of Asian-American identities with a focus on the 20th century.

    ENGL 28
    Classic and Contemporary Youth Literature

    3 units
    Social-historical context and tools for analyzing literature directed toward young readers. Emphasizes contemporary U.S. texts, classic works, and the origins of youth literature (including fables, folk tales and fairy tales). Explores subgenres and literary elements common to children’s and young adult literature, including fantasy, journeys, and animal characters. Emphasizes literature from diverse authors and communities, and the impact of this literature on the psychological, sociological, and cultural growth of young readers.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A

    ENGL 31
    Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature

    3 units
    Introduction to novels, poems, plays, and essays by and about gay men, lesbians, and others in the GLBT community. Analysis of this literature in the context of the GLBT social and political movements of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries and evolving societal attitudes toward the GLBT community.

    ENGL 32
    U.S. Women's Literature

    3 units
    Chronicles the expression of U.S. women authors through readings in a variety of genres such as fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay. Explores works by authors of varied racial and ethnic backgrounds in an effort to understand the diversity of women's voices, especially in the 20th century.
    Course Details:

    ENGL 45
    Studies in Fiction

    3 units
    Form, development, and cultural insights of the novel and short story; exploration of particular themes or periods as reflected in works of fiction.

    ENGL 48
    The Literature of the Holocaust

    3 units
    Explores the literature of the Holocaust through readings in a variety of genres including the memoir, the diary, the essay, as well as fiction and poetry. Historically and culturally contextualizes the literature and examines the implications of writing which attempts to represent the Nazi genocide against the Jews.

    List C

    Select one course from List C below (3 units)

    Any course from List B not already used, or one of the following below:

    3 units

    ENGL 12A
    Beginning Fiction Writing

    3 units
    English 12A serves as a beginning course in the practice of writing fiction. Students will learn to develop internal and external sources for stories and novels. Class assignments will focus on characterization, plotting, point of view, and narrative techniques. The class will give considerable attention to the analysis and criticism of published writing and the individual's own work.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 102
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: ENGL 1

    ENGL 13A
    Beginning Craft of Writing - Poetry

    3 units
    English 13A serves as a beginning course in the practice of writing poetry. Students will focus on analyzing and using techniques and styles from a diverse selection of poetry, including peers, to develop and revise one's own work. Students will learn elements of the craft of writing poetry such as voice, rhythm, imagery, extended metaphor, meter, and freeform.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: ENGL 102
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: ENGL 1

    COMM 2
    Oral Interpretation of Literature

    3 units
    Development of skills in reading quality literature aloud; practice in writing scholarly criticism of the literature presented orally.

    THTR 10
    Introduction to Theater Arts

    3 units
    Focuses on the relationship of theater to various cultures throughout history, and on the contributions of significant individual artists. Introduces students to elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Students will also survey different periods, styles and genres of theater through play reading, discussion, films, and viewing and critiquing live theater, including required attendance at theater productions.
    Course Details:

    MCOM 20
    Journalism: Newswriting and Information Gathering

    3 units
    Fundamentals of reporting and newswriting to develop ability to identify a compelling story, gather information, organize, write, rewrite and deliver in the chosen format, according to professional standards of traditional print journalism and online journalism, supported by multimedia. Analysis of exemplary journalistic models. Conceive, research, and write stories using traditional news values. Requires source interviews or original research. (May not receive credit if MCOM 1 has been completed.)
    Total Units: 60-61 units