Interior Design (Residential) (COA)

Effective: Fall 2018
Certificate of Achievement Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description

What can I do with this major?

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Arts and Design

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

12 units

ID 48
Drafting for Interior Design

3 units
This course will introduce basic drafting techniques as related to architectural working drawings for interior design. Emphasis is on lettering, measuring techniques, scale problems, use of architectural and NKBA graphic standards, dimensioning, plans, elevations, sections, Architectural lettering and perspective drawings.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

ID 49
Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication

3 units
Introduction to digital tools with computer-aided design drafting. Ability to effectively use basic design principles in two dimensions. Topics include command basics including drawing entity creation and modification, industry layering standards, text and dimensioning systems appropriate to architecture, creating symbol libraries, external reference techniques, model and paper space commands, and plotting techniques.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

ID 50
Residential Space Planning

3 units
This course will go through basic techniques for drafting kits in planning space and selecting a home for interior designers. Things to consider when planning a space in a home: a support system for private and group living spaces, functional elements for interior spaces, color in interior walls, relaxation area, entertainment space, and dining area.There are also factors to consider when selecting a home: location, climate, aesthetics and economy.
Course Details:
  1. Strongly Recommended: ID 48
Terms Offered: Fall

ID 54
Principles of Interior Design

3 units
The course is intended to provide students with the knowledge of elements and principles of design as they apply to interiors and to analyze interiors using basic design concepts. Emphasis is on the use of color and texture in the selection of home furnishings.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Fall

Semester 2

9 units

ID 51
Digital Drafting Principles I

3 units
Introduction to vocabulary, tools, and graphic techniques for interior designers, communication utilizing computer aid methods, with emphasis on residential interior design drawings including elevations, perspectives, rendering and 3 dimensional modeling.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ID 49
  2. Strongly Recommended: ID 48
Terms Offered: Spring

ID 52
History of Interiors and Furnishings

3 units
A survey of the history of interiors and furnishings from Egyptian period to the present. Describing date styles and major art monuments as related to furnishings, typical ornamentation of the major art movements; & the technological developments and materials and their use in home furnishings.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Spring

ID 62 or ID 72 (Choose one) 1

3 units
Terms Offered: Spring

ID 62
Kitchen and Bathroom Design

3 units
Survey of the field of kitchen and bathroom designs. Includes resources, materials, trends, costs and needs, both functional and aesthetic.
Course Details:
  1. Strongly Recommended: ID 48
Terms Offered: Spring

ID 72
Commercial Interior Design

3 units
Introduction to the field of commercial design. Emphasis on the design of interior spaces such as offices, restaurants and hotels. Topics will include space planning, interior specifications and costing out jobs.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ID 50
Terms Offered: Spring

Semester 3

9 units

ID 55
Introduction to Textiles

3 units
The textile industry and its effects on the apparel and home furnishings markets. Fiber identification, yarn and fabric construction, and decoration. Emphasis on consumer information, fabric performance, care and labeling, and legal responsibilities of the industry.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Fall

ID 58
Fundamentals of Lighting

3 units
Residential and commercial lighting systems as they apply to what constitutes a well-lit interior space. Includes an investigation of current lighting fixtures and lighting resources.
Course Details:
  1. Strongly Recommended: ID 48
Terms Offered: Fall

ID 60
Materials and Resources

3 units
Survey of residential and commercial interior furnishings with attention to product knowledge of furniture, textiles, ceramics, glass, metals, plastics, and composite materials. Skills needed to perform related activities.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Fall

Semester 4

9 units

ID 56
Professional Practices

3 units
Interior design practices including business and marketing aspects, wholesale resource development, design presentation and career preparation, contractual obligations.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Spring

ID 73
Digital Drafting Principles II

3 units
Continuation of ID 51 with emphasis on architectural interior working drawings for non-residential buildings with wood, masonry, steel and concrete structures. Application of advanced computer-aided drafting techniques for architectural construction documents will be reviewed, as will the use of electronic/web-based information sources, including Architectural Graphic Standards, Sweets Catalogs, and the Uniform Building Code.
Course Details:
  1. Prerequisite: ID 51
  2. Strongly Recommended: ID 72
Terms Offered: Spring

ART 23
2-D Foundations

3 units
Introduction to the concepts, applications, and historical/multicultural references related to two-dimensional art and composition, including the study and analysis of the basic principles and elements of line, shape, texture, value, color and spatial illusion. Development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations, studio projects, problem solving and written assignments. (May not receive credit if ART 10 has been completed)
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Spring, Fall
Total Units: 39 units