
Associate in Arts for Transfer Program Map

This program map from the 2024-2025 catalog year represents one possible pathway to complete this program. Your pathway may vary depending on your transfer plans and also previous college credit, including AP Test scores, concurrent enrollment courses and high school articulated courses.

I'm ready to get started. What do I do next?

  1. Review this program map to get an overview of the required courses
  2. Meet with a counselor to develop your customized student education plan
  3. Use DegreeWorks, an online student education planning tool, to track your progress toward graduation / admissions / degreeworks
Program Description
Sociology illuminates and deepens the way students see their social world. Sociology students use scientific research to study human interaction and society, with an emphasis on how groups, culture, and social forces impact our behavior. In doing this, students will learn to notice social patterns and question the way our world operates. This discipline offers students the opportunity to examine numerous social phenomena, with an underlying focus on inequality, including: social problems, social justice, economic disparity, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, family studies, gerontology, social psychology, deviance, and globalization. Majoring in Sociology at Chabot College provides one with the introductory knowledge and skills that are required for an upper division major in Sociology as well as a large number of related fields including Social Work, Human Development (Service), Liberal Studies, and Ethnic Studies.

What can I do with this major?
Sociology majors often apply their skills in a diversity of careers that include: education (high school teachers or faculty in colleges/universities); Social Services (social work, youth/elderly services, administration); Community work (non-profit, urban planning, community development); Government jobs (policy analysts, consulting, program manager); Law (pre-law majors, criminal justice); Research and Data (research analysts, demographers, criminologists, statisticians).

Learning and Career Pathway
  • Social Sciences, Humanities & Education

Icon Key

= Critical Course = Prerequisite for Other Courses = Prerequisite Required = Required for Major GE = General Education

Semester 1

16 units

Principles of Sociology

3 units
Designed to illuminate the way students see their social world. Uses a sociological perspective: scientific study of human interaction and society, with emphasis on impact of groups on social behavior. Includes the systematic examination of culture, socialization, social organization, social class, race, gender, deviance, social change and empirical methodology. These content areas are woven throughout the fabric of the course, particularly as they affect the lives of at least three of the following groups: African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Middle Eastern Americans and/or women.
Course Details:
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

English 1- Critical Reading and Composition

4 units

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

3 units

General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

3 units

Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any CSU transferable course).

3 units

Semester 2

14 units

List A course #1

3 units
Select one course from List A below
See the full list: (Click here)

Statistics Course (Choose PSY 5 or MTH 43) 1

4 units
Also counts as Math for General Education
Terms Offered: Summer, Spring, Fall

Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

4 units
Statistics as applied to the behavioral and social sciences. Applications using data from disciplines including psychology, social sciences, business, life science, health science, and education. The use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include: descriptive and inferential statistics; probability and sampling distributions; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings.
Course Details:
  1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  2. Prerequisite: MTH 53
  3. or
  4. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
  5. or
  6. Prerequisite: MTH 54
  7. or
  8. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
  9. or
  10. Prerequisite: MTH 55
  11. or
  12. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
  13. or
  14. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
  • Transfers to CSU
  • or

    MTH 43
    Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    4 units
    Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion; elements of probability; tests of statistical hypotheses (one and two populations); correlation and regression; ANOVA; applications in various fields. Introduction to the use of computer software package to complete both descriptive and inferential statistics problems. May not receive credit if Mathematics 35 has been completed.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    4. or
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    6. or
    7. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    8. or
    9. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    10. or
    11. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    12. or
    13. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    14. or
    15. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    4 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 3

    15 units

    List B course #1

    3 units
    Select one course from List B below
    See the full list: (Click here)

    List C course

    3 units
    Select one course from List C below
    See the full list: (Click here)

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Semester 4

    15 units

    List B Course #2

    3 units
    Select one course from List B below
    See the full list: (Click here)

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    General Education Course- see a counselor to choose the appropriate general education pattern and general ed course option for this term.

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any CSU transferable course).

    3 units

    Elective- see a counselor to choose a course that counts for elective units (can be any CSU transferable course).

    3 units

    List A

    Select 2 courses (6-7 units) from the list below

    SOCI 2
    Social Problems

    3 units
    Introduction to social problems common to modern industrial society, and the role of principal institutions in social organization and social disorganization. Includes crime, juvenile delinquency, divorce, drug addiction, aging, mental health and population as well as other areas. Focus on modern American society.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: SOCI 1
    Terms Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

    SOCI 5
    Introduction to Social Research Methods1

    3 units
    Introduction to the primary research methods used by social scientists with an emphasis on the research methodologies of sociology. This course employs an integrative approach which includes an understanding of theory, sociological paradigms and scientific logic as these apply to the methodologies used in conducting empirical research. Focus will be on how social research is designed, conducted and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Major sociological research studies will be critiqued. SOCI 5 is not currently being offered.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: SOCI 1
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Statistics Course (Choose PSY 5 or MTH 43) 1

    4 units
    Also counts as Math for General Education
    Terms Offered: Fall, Summer, Spring

    PSY 5
    Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

    4 units
    Statistics as applied to the behavioral and social sciences. Applications using data from disciplines including psychology, social sciences, business, life science, health science, and education. The use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include: descriptive and inferential statistics; probability and sampling distributions; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    2. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    3. or
    4. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    5. or
    6. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    7. or
    8. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    9. or
    10. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    11. or
    12. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    13. or
    14. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
  • Transfers to CSU
  • or

    MTH 43
    Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    4 units
    Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion; elements of probability; tests of statistical hypotheses (one and two populations); correlation and regression; ANOVA; applications in various fields. Introduction to the use of computer software package to complete both descriptive and inferential statistics problems. May not receive credit if Mathematics 35 has been completed.
    Course Details:
    1. Prerequisite: MTH 53
    2. or
    3. Prerequisite: MTH 53B
    4. or
    5. Prerequisite: MTH 54
    6. or
    7. Prerequisite: MTH 54L
    8. or
    9. Prerequisite: MTH 55
    10. or
    11. Prerequisite: MTH 55B
    12. or
    13. Prerequisite: MTH 55L
    14. or
    15. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • List B

    Select two courses (6-7 units) from the list below

    Any List A course not used above

    SOCI 3
    Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations

    3 units
    Analysis of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Includes race, ethnicity, prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping, as well as theories and patterns of intergroup relations. Focus on contemporary American minorities: African Americans, Chicano/Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: SOCI 1
    Terms Offered: Summer, Spring, Fall

    SOCI 4
    Marriage and Family Relations

    3 units
    Sociological perspective of the family including mate selection, marital roles, marital adjustment, sexual adjustment, reproduction, child rearing, marital dissolution, and problems associated with the family in modern industrial society. Emphasis on methodology of family investigation.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: SOCI 1
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    SOCI 6
    Introduction to Gender

    3 units
    A sociological analysis of the social construction of masculinity and femininity through history and cultures. Examines the debates on sex and gender. Analyzes the impact of economic and political change on gender expectations and practices. Focuses macroanalyses of how institutions shape gender and microanalyses of how individuals are socialized and how they “do” and practice gender.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

    List C

    Select one course (3 units) from the list below

    Any List A or List B course not already taken

    Human Sexuality Course

    3 units

    SOCI 8
    Human Sexuality1

    3 units
    This course is an introductory overview of the field of human sexuality. Human sexuality in our contemporary society will be studied from the psychological, biological, sociocultural, and historical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the interrelationship of attitude and behavior as it relates to sexual well-being and sexual integrity. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, values, and behaviors in the context of their moral compass and their culture and societal values. Current sex norms and various aspects of interpersonal and individual sexual adjustment will be explored.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • or

    PSY 8
    Human Sexuality

    3 units
    This course is an introductory overview of the field of human sexuality. Human sexuality in our contemporary society will be studied from the psychological, biological, sociocultural, and historical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the interrelationship of attitude and behavior as it relates to sexual well-being and sexual integrity. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, values, and behaviors in the context of their moral compass and their culture and societal values. Current sex norms and various aspects of interpersonal and individual sexual adjustment will be explored.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

    HLTH 8
    Human Sexuality

    3 units
    This course is an introductory overview of the field of human sexuality. Human sexuality in our contemporary society will be studied from the psychological, biological, sociocultural, and historical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the interrelationship of attitude and behavior as it relates to sexual well-being and sexual integrity. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, values, and behaviors in the context of their moral compass and their culture and societal values. Current sex norms and various aspects of interpersonal and individual sexual adjustment will be explored. May not receive credit if Psychology 8 or Sociology 8 has been completed.
    Course Details:

    SOCI 10
    Introduction to Asian American Studies

    3 units
    An examination of the experiences and perspectives of Asian Americans from mid-1800's to the present. Major topics will include immigration, law, citizenship, racialization, colonialism, imperialism, war, family, political involvement, social movements, education, and employment. Provides a comparative context for understanding the panethnic movement.
    Course Details:
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring

    SOCI 30
    Social Gerontology1

    3 units
    Introduction to the study of aging, the social world, and social networks of European-American, African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American elders. Focus on heterogeneity within specific groups of minority elders, as well as differences in the aging experience for members of these designated subcultures. Emphasis on sociological theory as it applies to the independent elder.
    Course Details:

    PSY 1
    General Psychology

    3 units
    Introduces students to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Provides an overview of major psychological concepts and theories in such areas as consciousness, learning, memory, motivation, perception, personality, stress, and social behavior.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Summer, Spring, Fall

    ANTH 3
    Social and Cultural Anthropology

    3 units
    How human beings in different cultures meet basic biological, social and cultural needs, including kinship and marriage practices, political and social organization, economic institutions, religious and childrearing practices, social change, as well as other aspects of cultural behavior. Emphasis on understanding other cultures on their own terms. Includes the many subcultures making up North American populations.
    Course Details:
    1. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1
    2. or
    3. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A
    Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    GEO 2
    Cultural Geography

    3 units
    Spatial analysis of human populations, their cultural traits, and activities. Emphasis on how diverse peoples, through their interactions and through their perceptions and use of the physical environment, create distinctive cultural landscapes. Social, political, and economic elements of geography which contribute to the evolution of these global and regional cultural patterns. Field trips may be included.
    Course Details:
  • Transfers to CSU
  • Terms Offered: Spring, Fall

    ES 3
    Introduction to Muslim-American Studies 1

    3 units
    An examination of the diversity of Muslim communities in the United States with an emphasis on comparing and contrasting their histories, cultures and experiences. Topics include: patterns of migration; religious beliefs and practice; acculturation and assimilation; political involvement; education and employment; 9/11 and its aftermath; relations with the broader Muslim world.
    Course Details:

    HIS 63
    The African American Experience in U.S. History From Reconstruction

    3 units
    This course presents a survey of the history of the United States from the perspective of African Americans. It presents that perspective in the contexts of the experiences of Native peoples, European Americans, Asian Americans and Latinos/Latinas after 1865. A critical and comparative analysis of the impacts of race, racialization, white supremacy, gender, class, colonialism, imperialism, war, social inequity, and migration on African Americans. Special emphasis will be placed on labor, citizenship, community, social and political resistance, solidarity, and the intersection of race, gender, and class. The course explores the economic, cultural, institutional, political history of African Americans from the post-Civil War period to the present. The African American relationship with national, California state and local governments will also be covered.
    Course Details:
    Terms Offered: Spring

    HIS 25
    American Indian History and Culture1

    3 units
    Historical survey of American Indians in the United States from earliest times to the present day. Emphasis on Indian societies and cultures, Indian relations with predominant cultures, Indian movement for self-preservation, and historical background necessary to understand contemporary problems of the Indians. Emphasis on the Indians of California and the West.
    Course Details:

    HIS 22
    Mexican American History and Culture1

    3 units
    A survey of Mexican American history from pre-Columbian period through the present. Special emphasis on Mexican Americans’ role in the political, economic, social and geographic development in the United States. Major topics include European colonization, native cultures and slavery, the U.S. – Mexican War, World War I and World War II, industrialization, immigration and labor, and the Civil Rights Movement. This course includes analysis of the U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court Rulings, and California state and local government issues related to the rights of Mexican Americans. May not receive credit if ES 22 has been completed.
    Course Details:
    Total Units: 60 units